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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Altman's Clinical Criteria for Hip OA

sen=0.86, spec 0.75

How I remember this:
1. Hip OA has 5 letters, so there are 5 criteria
2. Typically, your hips come in a pair (I'm adding an S to get all 5 criteria in)

P: PAIN, in the hip
A: AGE > 50 y/o
*IR: < 15 degrees, and PAIN with IR
S: stiffness in the morning up to 60 minutes

*there are two criteria

CPR for hip OA

How I remember it:
1. Hip OA has 5 letters, so there are 5 criteria.
2. Firefighters give CPR and put out FIRESS, if you have OA you probably feel like like your hip is on fire!

F: flexion, lateral hip pain with active flexion
IR: IR less than or equal to 25 degrees
E: extension, hip pain with active extension
S: squat, self-reporting squat is aggravating
S: Scour test, with ADD causes groin or lateral hip pain

3/5 criteria present= 68% probability
4/5 present= 91% probability

Contraindications for BOTOX

Real housewives get botox injections and their foreheads look pink and irritated afterward.

P: pregnant
I: inflammation at the injection site
N: neurotransmission disease (i.e myasthenia gravis)
K: kids under 2

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

CPRS for Mobilization/Manips, Stabilization, Traction for Lumbar Spine

So, I'm Kristi and I actually meet the variables for mobilization/manipulation so I thought, why not make up a mnemonic about myself? "Kristi has sticky, hypomobile facets". And, I do. It's true. See pic for more info and a mini thumb cameo appearance. Don't judge, mcjudgersons.

K: knee, no sxs distal
H: hip, one hip IR >35 degrees
S: sxs, less than 16 days
H: hypomobile
F: FABQ <19

If you are more math inclined you can also think of the first 3 variables like an equation:

  • Acute sxs < 16 days
  • Turn the 6 upside down and you've got a 9 and now you can remember a FABQ score <19
  • 16+19=35. As in at least one hip has 35 degrees of IR
**This mathy version is brought to you by Alex Rodriquez

I think SPAA for this. When you go to the spa and you choose one of those ridiculously claustrophobic treatments where they wrap you up like a burrito, you are essentially immobilized. I'll refer you to the picture to see what SPAA stands for. Please note the age should be LESS than 40. I made a mistake in the picture.

S: SLR > 91 degrees
P: (+) Prone Instability Test (PIT)
A: Age < 40
A: aberrant motion

Still a work in progress, but for now, I've got nothing, nada, zilch. I'm thinking about some sort of roller coaster idea or track star scenario.  I'll update this one when it's ready.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Posterior triangle (cervical) contents

Contents of the posterior triangle (courtesy of Alexa)


P: Phrenic nerve
S: Spinal accessory nerve

C: Cervical plexus
B: Brachial plexus

S: Subclavian vein
E: External jugular vein

S: Subclavian artery
T: Transverse cervical artery
S: Suprascapular artery


Key points to hit when asking a subjective interview:


C: Chief complaint
H: History (medical personal, family, past surgeries, etc)
I: Imaging
I: Integumentary
M: Meds
P: Pain (locate/palpate it, easing and aggravating factors, intensity 0-10 scale)

G: Goals (what does the client want to achieve)
I: Initial assessment
L: Level of prior function
L: Lifestyle (social, recreational habits, general health i.e. smoker, etc)

CBC and Metabolic Panel lab values

These values vary depending on your source. I'm using the ones we received in lecture (for the most part).

Wells Clinical Prediction Rule for DVT

Wells Clinical Prediction Rule for DVT

C: cancer
I:  immobilization (paralysis, paresis, cast)
C: collateral superficial veins

B: bed ridden
E: edema (pitting)
A: alternative diagnosis
T: tenderness along the deep venous distribution
*S: swelling (entire leg and calf)

*I combined 2 of the prediction rules into 1. You will need to take this into account when adding up the score

You're welcome!

  1. 1.
    a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
  1. 1.
    aiding or designed to aid the memory.

Select the BEST answer. The purpose of this blog is to:
1) help me study for the boards
2) help me remember asinine amounts of information
3) help others study for the boards
4) help others learn asinine amounts of information

A. (1 and 3)
B. ( 2 and 4)
C. (only 4)
D. (all of the above)

Hopefully you picked D, because that IS the best answer.  This blog was created as a warehouse of sorts to store all my homemade mnemonics (PG13 and lower).  Some are originals and some are borrowed. All are health/medical professions related and they all may not make sense to you (I have a special brain).  If you are a TWU DPT student, consider yourself a leprechaun. You just found a pot of gold! At some point, I'll organize them by course, but for now, I just need to get them all written down! I encourage others to share their own once I can figure out how to do that.